Welcome to Junior Cycling Zone

Hello and welcome to Juniors Cycling Zone. Just like my other site, U23 Cycling Zone, this is a site focussing on U19 riders and their races. I’m hoping to establish a site equal to the U23 version, where I will regularly post interviews, analysis and race previews.

There are of course some drawbacks: firstly, there are less trade teams at this level, so I will need to rely more on DMing riders and forming connections, as opposed to having press officers to help like you get with most U23 teams. Secondly, the juniors is only two years, not the four of the U23s, so I have about 50% less riders available to interview.

With that being said, I’m really looking forward to writing about juniors too and connecting with new people, as well as hopefully still reaching my U23 readers too. I know it will take some time to build the site to what I’d like it to be, since U23 Cycling Zone is almost five years old. But I’ll do my best to balance both sites and try and make the Junior site as popular as I hope my U23 site is.

I’ve already reached out to some junior teams so far to try and establish contact. I have some content I can post over the next week or so to get the site started too. If any junior riders or teams read this and are keen to reach out, my email is josephdoherty97@gmail.com.

For those worried about U23 Cycling Zone, that is not going to change at all, with the interviews and previews continuing in their random but regular pattern. I look forward to this new site, and hopefully you all enjoy reading as much as I will writing.

Best wishes


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